Planting Cover Crop Seeds in Colorado

Cover crops are hardworking plants that serve many purposes. In addition to keeping weeds to a minimum, cover crops also help build productive soils and keep pests and diseases to a minimum.

seeds colorado

Types of Cover Crops

There are several different types of cover crops, these include grasses, like Ryegrass and Barley, Legumes such as clover and alfalfa, and Brassicas, like Radishes and Turnips, and finally broadleaves, like spinach and flax.


seeds coloradoCover crops can be used in small personal gardens or large agricultural operations. In addition to helping suppress soil erosion, cover crops also synthesize nutrients in a way that enriches soil and makes it more hospitable for crops, vegetables, or flowers down the road.

Planting Cover Crops

When cover crops are planted in large-scale operations, large machinery is used to broadcast seed them and ensure good soil contact. For a personal lawn or garden, however, cover crops only need to be distributed lightly across the soil and raked gently. Raking helps the seed ensure good soil contact and prevents them from being eaten by birds or other interested predators. In order to thrive, cover crops must be planted at least four weeks before any killing frost, although there are some varieties (cereal rye, for example) which offer more cold tolerance and can survive a frost.

Caring for Planted Cover Crops

seeds coloradoCover crops are a low-maintenance type of crop and they do not require much effort to remain in good shape. People who plant cover crops will need to mow large patches in order to keep them manageable and keep them from competing with other crops. Additionally, cover crops will need to be killed in order to complete the process of enriching the soil and preparing it for future crops.

Cover crops should be killed when the seed heads emerge. Most homeowners choose to do this via mowing or cutting with a weed trimmer. Once the cover crops have died, they can be turned under in the soil, where they will decompose and act as fertilizer. Once the crop has been turned under, most farmers generally choose to plant a new crop of vegetables, flowers, or other plants within 2-3 weeks.

seeds coloradoIn addition to helping enrich soil and prepare land for planting large crops of productive fruits, vegetables, or flowers, cover crops are good at preventing soil erosion and ensuring moisture retention. Because they are easy to care for and simple to grow, many farmers and homeowners use cover crops as a way to enrich their soil while also ensuring the future health of their crops. There are many varieties of cover crop seeds Colorado, including Rye, Field Peas or Oats, Sudangrass, Buckwheat, and Clover. Homeowners and farmers can contact a local specialist to determine which variety of seed will perform best in their area of Colorado. Some seeds are best suited for poor soils while others are good options for enhancing the soil’s nutrient profile and providing easy maintenance.